
Forms-Sheets-My Maps


Hands-on Activity #1

Create a survey using Google Forms

1. Go to Google Drive and create a new folder and give it a name.

2. Create a new form in your folder. Give it a name.

3. Add questions; try creating different types of questions, like a short answer and a multiple choice question.

4. Add a question that has a location (city and province, for example).

5. Style your form using different color schemes and images for the header.

6. Create a spreadsheet for the responses (this should appear in the same Google Drive folder as your form).

7. Turn to your neighbors and send them the form through email, ask them to fill it out and submit it.

8. Take a look at the response spreadsheet and see what the columns and answers look like.

Hands-on Activity #2

Working with the response spreadsheet

1. Responses from your survey will populate a spreadsheet. We will use a Form and Spreadsheet as an example to allow everyone to work with a completed survey. Please fill out the form below and submit your answers (responses will be public so please do not include private information).

2. Look at the form below - what kinds of questions does it include?

3. Look at the response spreadsheet below. You may have to refresh your screen to see the answers as everyone submits their forms. 

4. When all of the responses have been submitted, download the spreadsheet in Excel format using this link

Download the response spreadsheet click here

5. What type of information can you get from the spreadsheet? Are there any data columns that could be graphed?

Google Form

Response Spreadsheet

TLEF Example (Responses)

Hands-on Activity #3

Map your responses

1. Go back to Google Drive and create a folder. 

2. Click New>More>My Maps to create a map.

3. Import the response spreadsheet you downloaded in Activity #2. You will want to use both the city/county column and the state/territory column for your marker locations. Choose an interesting column for the marker titles.

5. Scroll down and download the KML map files from the folder below.

6. Go back to your My Maps, create a new layer and import one of the files you downloaded. Create another layer and import the other file.

7. Take a look at your map. What do you see that is interesting?
